I Tried Bahamian Souse (vegan souse)


Here's a recipe I once tried many years ago but just didn't get it quite right. Thought I couldn't replicate this traditional Bahamian dish without meat. 

But now, I stand, taste buds beyond satisfied! Here is the recipe for Vegan Veggie Souse. So spot on and so delicious.

What you will need: 

a pot

vegetable oil (about a tablespoon) 

half an onion chopped

about two or three carrots chopped

3 medium-sized potatoes peeled and cubed

about 3 or 4 stalks of celery chopped and water


complete seasoning, allspice, salt, one bay leaf, lime juice


Step One: After chopping all the veggies, season your potatoes with your favorite savory seasoning. I used Complete Seasoning. 

Step Two: Heat vegetable oil in a pot. Then add in onions. 

Cook until a little brown and translucent. 

Step Three: Add all the other chopped vegetables. Stir the veggies in the oil and onions then added some allspice. Stir until aromatic and then add water to cover everything.

***Now the following steps are to taste. 

(Add a little, let boil a bit, then taste. Then adjust as needed.)

Bring everything to boil. Add one bay leaf. 

Add more allspice if deemed necessary. Add salt to taste. Add lime juice to taste. (I only needed the juice of one large lime). Taste, taste, taste adjust to your liking. 

Step Three: Cook until potatoes are fork-tender. 

